Clickhouse as a consumer for Amazon MSK
⏱ Время чтения текста – 4 минутыDisclaimer: the note is of a technical nature, therefore it might be interesting to fewer people with business background.
This blog hasn’t addressed the topic of Clickhouse yet, however it’s one of the fastest databases from Yandex company. Brief account without going into details: Clickhouse – is the most efficiently written DBMS of a column type with respect to program code, information about the DBMS is quite thoroughly described in the documentation and in multiple videos on Youtube (one, two, three).
Over the last four years, I’ve been using Clickhouse in my practice as an analyst and expert in building analytical reporting. Mostly, I’ve been using Redash for solution of tasks on reporting visualization / reports with parameters / dashboards, as it is the most convenient interface for access to Clickhouse data.
However, just recently, in Looker, that I spoke about previously, an opportunity to connect Clickhouse as a data source appeared. It’s worth noting, that in Tableau connection to Clickhouse has existed for quite a while.

The architecture of the analytical service, based on Clickhouse, is predominantly cloud one. That’s how it was in the task reviewed. Let’s assume you have an allocated instance EC2 in Amazon (on which you’ve installed Clickhouse) and a separate Kafka-cluster (solution of Amazon MSK).
The task: is to connect Clickhouse as a consumer in order to obtain information from brokers of your Kafka cluster. In fact, it’s quite thoroughly described how exactly one can connect to Kafka cluster in documentation on the site of Amazon MSK, so I won’t repeat this information. In my case, the guide helped: the topics were created by a producer from machine with installed Clickhouse, and were read from it by a consumer.
However, a problem arose: at connection of Clickhouse to Kafka as a consumer, the following error occurred:
020.02.02 18:01:56.209132 [ 46 ] {e7124cd5-2144-4b1d-bd49-8a410cdbd607} <Error> executeQuery: std::exception. Code: 1001, type: cppkafka::HandleException, e.what() = Local: Timed out, version = (official build) (from (in query: SELECT * FROM events), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below):
For a long time I’ve been searching information in Clickhouse documentation regarding a possible cause of this error, however it was in vain. The next idea that I had was checking the work of a local Kafka broker from the same machine. I installed Kafka client, connected Clickhouse, sent the data to topic and to Clickhouse and managed to read it easily, so Clickhouse consumer works with a local broker, meaning that it works in general.
Having spoken with all my acquaintances who are experts in the fields of infrastructure and Clickhouse, we weren’t able to identify the cause of the problem in stride. We’ve checked firewall, network settings,- everything was opened. It was also confirmed by the fact, that messages could be sent from a local machine to the topic of remote browser by the command bin/ and could be also read from there bin/
Thereafter, I got the idea to appeal to the main guru and developer of Clickhouse – Alexey Milovidov. Alexey eagerly tried to reply to the questions arisen and proposed a number of hypothesis, that we checked (for instance, tracing of network connections, etc.), however, even after more low-level audit we didn’t manage to localize the problem. then, Alexey recommended to turn to Michail Philimonov from the company Altinity. Michail turned out to be an extremely responsive expert, and proposed one hypothesis after another in order to conduct testing (in parallel, providing tips on a better way of testing).
As a result of our joint efforts, we discovered that the problem arises at the library librdkafka, since the other package kafkacat, that uses the same library, falls off the connection to the broker with the very same problem (Local: timed out).
After examination of connection through bin/ and connection parameters, Michail advised to add the following line into /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml:
And, oh, what a miracle! Clickhouse connected to the cluster and pulled the required data from the broker.
I hope, this recipe and my experience will allow you to save time and powers in studying the similar problem :)
P.S. Actually Clickhouse has a very friendly community and telegram-chat where you can ask for advice and more likely to get help.